TS Nagabarana


Director & Film Maker

TalakaduSrinivasaiahNagabharana born on 23-1-1953. He holds degrees in Science and Law. He is an ardent and avid reader of Indian English literature.

TS Nagabharana has created a niche for himself in the present Indian Cinema by winning 9 National and 17 State Awards. Nagabharana has so far directed 32 films. Seven of his films are selected for Panorama at International Film Festivals. He has received many prestigious awards and credentials apart from Gold Medals for his individual achievements for theatre and film activities, including PuttannaKanagal and Rajyotsava Gold Medals. He has the unique distinction of being the only director to have an entry in the Mainstream section for the film Janumada Jodi and the Indian Panorama for the film Nagamandala in the same year of the International Film Festival of India 1998.

During 1996-97, Janumada Jodi a film on Eternal Lovers won the Film Fare Award for Best Direction, Special Jury Award from State Government, Best Actress, Music, Lyrics, Screenplay, Dialogues Awards. It was highest ever Box Office Hit in Kannada film industry. Awards flooded for films made by Nagabharana.

Having been a faculty initially and then principal of Adarsha Film Institute, Nagabharana is the Chairman of Films Subsidy Committee, Government of Karnataka and founder President of Benaka Children’s Theatre Centre. He has the distinction of being a jury for Indian Panorama four Times and National Award three times. He was also jury for international film festivals. Nagabharana is also a member of CIFEJ (International Centre of Film for Children and Young People), Canada, Expert Committee for Theatre, Govt. of India, South Indian Film Director’s Association, Karnataka Film Directors’ Association, South Indian Film Writers’ Association. He also had the distinction of participating at the Karlovivari Czechoslovakia Film Festival – 2003.